Sunday, May 17, 2020

Impact of Computerized Accounting to Inventory Management

CHAPTER 1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Introduction Advances in Information Technology (IT) have enabled companies to use computers to carry out their activities that were previously performed manually. The ongoing revolution in IT has had a significant influence on accounting information system. Today, almost all organizations are using computers in their daily business. As computers become smaller, faster, easier to use, and less expensive, the computerization of account ting work will continue. Accounting activities that were previously performed manually can now be performed with the use of computers. That is, accountants are now able to perform their activities more effectively and efficiently than before. On the other hand, every†¦show more content†¦The profiles of the respondents are being gathered through questionnaires to generate generalization about the impacts of computerized accounting system in inventory management. Input Process Output Figure 1. Paradigm of the Study Statement of the Problem This study seeks to determine the relationship of computerized accounting system and the effectiveness of inventory management of quick serving restaurants in Iba, Zambales. Specifically, it aims to determine the following: 1. The profile of the respondents as to: 1.1 Individual 1.1.1 Name; 1.1.2 Position/Level of management; 1.1.3 Tenure in service; and 1.1.4 Background in IT. 1.2 Organization 1.1.1 Name; 1.1.2 Age of Business; 1.1.3 Size of the Business based on net assets; 1.1.4 Number of employees; 1.1.5 Average Sales; 1.1.6 Average inventory; and 1.1.7 Method of recording inventory. 2. How is the degree of effectiveness of the following computerized processes in inventory management described in terms of: 2.1 Accuracy of records; 2.1.1 Purchase of inventory; Demand forecasting; Replenishment lead time; and Carrying cost? 2.1.2 Receiving of inventory; Available space for inventory; and Purchase returns and allowances? 2.1.3 Point of Sale; Cost of Goods Sold? 2.1.4 Inventory count; Inventory report in accounting system;Show MoreRelatedAssumptions on Accounting Information Systems1575 Words   |  6 PagesAssumptions on Accounting Information Systems: Accounting Information Systems have emerged as very famous components of modern businesses mainly because they offer beneficial and timely information to management in addition to being cost-effective. Generally, these systems are helpful in book account payables, cash transactions, receivables, and every other accounting function in an orderly manner. 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