Monday, December 30, 2019

Minimum Wage Increases - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 480 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2019/05/07 Category Law Essay Level High school Tags: Minimum Wage Essay Did you like this example? Rationally thinking, if minimum wage increases there will be more harm than good. Mark Caleb Smith, director of the Center for Political Studies at Cedarville University, stated that Increasing the minimum wage will have the short-term positive impact on people at the lower end of the wage scale., and his evaluation of the situation is well-interpreted. Raising minimum wages will bring short-term appeal to low-income workers, until they must be laid off or fired because businesses cannot afford to employ as many employees. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Minimum Wage Increases" essay for you Create order This will affect markets and have an impact on the supply, demand, and surplus of a specific market. Businesses will move away from hiring more workers towards robots, machines, and automated systems. Many businesses like fast food restaurants, supply lines, grocery stores, and many clothing stores have already incorporated robots into their business as a, so to say, replacement for human workers. This brings concerns that businesses may avoid hiring as many workers, especially teenagers, formerly incarcerated and other lower-skilled workers who usually have a difficult time getting jobs. According to a prediction made by a recent Congressional Budget Office report, an increase of the set minimum wage could result in a loss of jobs in the United States which will increase the number of unemployed and not employed. If minimum wage increases, meaning businesses had to pay more for labor, business owners would think to either; raise prices, cut costs or lower their profit margins. There is a motive that they will have more incentives to automate jobs. Research shows the number of entry level jobs in the market will be decreased if minimum wage is raised, and that is bad for teenagers, previously incarcerated and those with lower levels of education. In 2018, most jobs require some form of degree making those who did not attain a college education have to attain a low paying job. According to Huppke (2014), instead of raising the minimum wage, The better approach, according to minimum wage hike opponents, is to put money into education and job preparedness plans, which they say have proven success records. This graph shows how the market will be affected. It can interpret unemployment and those who are in the workforce. Because different states have different standards of livings, raising minimum wages could make a specific state less competitive. A wage of $15 in Georgia is much different to a $15 wage in California. Because of this, graphs of different states will be different and have a different outlook of their market, compared to another state. Some states minimum wages are determined by their inflation, which corresponds to their standard of living. Since minimum wages are determined by standards of living, some states who have increased their standard of living only truly have about $0.25-$1.00 more than the federally set wage. Overall, if the minimum wage increases or decreases the labor market is affected no matter which state.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

How Technology Is Becoming More Widespread - 1197 Words

These days technology is becoming more widespread. The question is are we still reading as attentively and thoroughly as we used to due to these new portable ways of reading. The main issue here is that our attention is divided between pixels and link as our brains respond differently to onscreen text than to words on paper. There have been many published studies since 1980’s where researchers from different fields like psychology, computer engineering and information science have brought up such issues in more than one hundred published studies. Many of these studies done before 1992, always concluded that people read slowly, less accurately and less comprehensively on screens than on paper. In recent studies, it shows that people still like to read from paper especially when they want to read intensively. Although the e-reading technology is gaining more popularity and becoming more common, people’s attitudes are changing. They read these books for facts and fun. In the US, there is about 15 to 20 percent of all trade book sales (Jabr, 2013). People are known to be less conducive to learning from computers and tablets as compared to paper. Reading has a physicality. When we already have an e-book we start to miss it. There was a study done in January 2013 by Anne Mangen of the University of Stavanger in Norway. Her colleagues and she asked 72 10th-grade students with similar reading ability to study one narrative and one expository text. Each essay was about 1,500 wordsShow MoreRelatedCommunication And The Digital Age1205 Words   |  5 Pagesthrough the phone, is inevitable. However, evolving technology has resulted in a change in the way people communicate, especially in the field of politics. Thanks to technology information is now able to become widespread quickly. This high-speed information is changing the way in which political messages are conveyed. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Homelessness In Britain Free Essays

Try to imagine waking up in a cold shop doorway, dirty and hungry. There’s nowhere to wash and you have to beg for three hours before you have enough money to buy yourself a cup of tea, there’s also nowhere for you to get warm. It’s a terrible thought, but its okay because it will never happen to you, or so you may think. We will write a custom essay sample on Homelessness In Britain or any similar topic only for you Order Now Tom Watts was A wealthy businessman with a devoted wife and two lovely children, he worked in London and often passed homeless people in the street, often chucking them some spare change as he passed, not even giving them a second thought until now. You see, Tom Watts is no longer the big businessman with the big house and the big car, he lived beyond his means and became bankrupt losing his house. Because of all the stress he also lost his wife and children. Now he sleeps wherever he can, this morning he woke up in the London underground he  says † I just take one day at a  time, I never know where I’ll be one day to the next†. Tom’s only wage is the 65p he gets from every copy of the Big Issue, which is sold for à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½1 – a magazine sold by the homeless. Tom can officially earn up to à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½17 a week before his à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½38-a-week social security is under threat, he says â€Å"The money I earn is not much at all. But if I could just find a place to live I could then go about getting a job and once I’m settled I can go to court, and see about getting to see my kids, but without a place to live it won’t happen†. That’s where shelter comes in Tom like hundreds of other homeless people are on the waiting list for temporary housing, it gives people a head start. It’s not just a hostel where you have a first come first serve basis, while your in temporary housing shelter help you to find a more permanent placement. They also help you to find a work placement and any legal advice you may need. Shelter was launched in 1966 to bring housing problems to everyone’s attention and  appeal for money to improve things. In 1970 shelter opened its first housing aid shelter to give people with housing problems or nowhere to live free advice. Tom sells the Big Issue: â€Å"I just want to see my kids† Some of the main reasons for people becoming homeless are job loss, break-up with a partner, heavy debts, drug addiction and even mental illness. The majority of people start off moving round sleeping on friends sofas or floors, but before long you realise you’ve been there for a few weeks or even months and think you’re beginning to out stay you’re welcome and can’t abuse their hospitality any longer and leave. More than 326,000 people are homeless in Britain, sleeping rough, in hostels or moving from place to place with no home to call there own. Experts believe the problem is extremely bad and is worsening and without the help of charity the problem would rapidly increase. How to cite Homelessness In Britain, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Effectos of 1905 Revolution on Russian Government free essay sample

?How significant were the effects of 1905 Revolution on Russian government and society at the time? The 1905 Revolution was significant to Russian government in long run but not in short run. After investigating into the contemporary sources which focus on different people’s opinions towards the Revolution and changes brought about by it, I found that there were general agreements on the following views. Firstly, the 1905 Revolution did brought changes to the practice of Russian government; however, as it did not bring an end to the autocratic regime in Russia, the short term the effects of the Revolution was not significant. In long run, the Revolution significantly aroused people’s anger towards the Tsar, and we can even argue that it provoked the 1917 Revolution, and arguably, it changed the whole system of government and political structure of Russia, so the long term significance of the revolution to Russian government was more remarkable. Secondly, we could doubt the effects of the Revolution on Russian society. It brought freedom to the people through the October Manifesto, but it is questionable whether it changed the Russians’ life significantly. Politically, the short term significance of the effects of the 1905 Revolution was not remarkable. The 1905 Revolution brought changes to the political structure of Russia; however, its significance was usually over exaggerated by historians. The Revolution brought about was the first broad based challenge to Tsardom. It exposed people’s hidden anger to the Tsar and organized into an armed revolution which aimed to overthrown the Tsarist government. Alan Wood suggested that 1the events of the 1905 Revolution such as the Bloody Sunday was the first revolutionary disturbance which forced the Tsar to authorize the holding of elections for a consultative and legislative national assembly. Peter Waldron2 shared similar views and suggested that the Revolution was significant in reminding the Tsar the existence of ordinary citizens in society and lead to the establishment of the October Manifesto which brought political power to ordinary citizens in an elitist autocratic tsarist regime. The October Manifesto established on 17th October, 19053 stated clearly that an elected legislative body (Duma) would be established, under which no legislations could become law without the approval of Duma. These illustrated the short term significance of the effects of the 1905 Revolution to Russian’s government, because election was introduced for the first time in history, Russia was moving towards a modern constitutional government. People in Russia were finally being given some political power. Another effect brought by the 1905 Revolution was the wide spread of disorder, it posed significance to Russian government, because arguably it could be considered as an attempt to put an end to the autocratic regime. An 4extract from the workers’ petition presented to the Tsar on 22nd January, 1905, stated the workers’ demand for ‘any right to speak, to think, to assemble, to discuss our needs, or to take measures to improve our conditions’ and they would ‘left their work would not resume work until they meet their demands and showed that there were many workers involved in the Revolution; they would strike until the government granted them basic human rights, the rights to choose their own representative and reasonable wages. This implied that people were resistance to autocratic rule, and demanded for representation in the system of government. However, the workers’ petition only showed people’s demand in improving their living conditions and rights, the workers may not have any intentions to overthrow Tsardom. Historian 5Michael Lynch supported this view; he highlighted that fact that the workers had planned a peaceful march to Winter Palace. Their intention was to present a loyal petition to the tsar, begging him to relieve their desperate condition. The fact that the presentation of the workers petition turned into Bloody Sunday, was caused by the inability of the police force to deal with such numerous unarmed petitioners, thus we doubt the short term significance of the Revolution to Russian government. However, historian Han Rogger6 argued that the fact that a peaceful petition of the workers was turned into a massacre had destroyed the traditional image of the Tsar as their â€Å"Little Father†, thus provoked resistance towards Tsardom. So from this aspect, in long term, the 1905 Revolution was significant to Russian government at the time. Furthermore, Nicholas II wrote, 7â€Å"There have been serious disorders in St. Petersburg because workmen wanted to come up to the Winter Palace. Troops had to open fire in several places in the city† once again implied the political and social instability brought by the 1905 Revolution and its attempts to put an end to autocracy. Thus, the Revolution was significant as an attempt to overthrow Tsardom. However, in the later part of his diary, he wrote â€Å"Mama arrived from town, straight to church. I lunched with all others†, showed that Nicholas II did not understand the needs of the Russians. He went to have a walk and have lunch, after such a painful massacre demonstrated that the Revolution did not pose any threat to the Tsar. However, the fact that the diary entry showed â€Å"there were many killed and wounded† by the troops during the petition, damaged Nicholas II’s reputation, and formed a political force against the regime, and the fact that many people went to protest in St. Petersburg showed that Russians were generally becoming more critical to the regime in long run. Sergei Witte’s letter to Nicholas II8 backed up the above evidence and showed us clearly that â€Å"The government must be ready to proceed along constitutional lines†, as it was the only solution to ease people’s anger brought about by the 1905 Revolution, so arguably, the establishment of the Russian Constitution, which was a very significant step of political modernization, was a direct outcome of the Revolution. However, 9the secondary work of Orlando Figes pointed that Witte had a very liberal political view, which he personally in favour of a democratic political system. The Witte’s letter could only present subjective and liberal views. 10A diary entry written by Nicholas II on 19th October, 1905, about the October manifesto, he wrote ‘There was no other way out but to cross oneself and give what everyone was asking for’ once again backed up the above ideas, and showed us clearly that there was no choice for Nicholas II to install stability to Russia after the 1905 Revolution, but to established a constitution and a State Duma. These illustrated that the short term significance of the Revolution to Russian government. After all the 1905 Revolution did directly brought a constitutional government to Russia. However, the above arguments illustrate by Nicholas II diary entry could only showed the views of the Tsar. As the Tsar was force to give away some of his power to the Duma, he would obviously consider himself as the victim of the Revolution. Thus it was questionable whether Nicholas II really gave the Russians â€Å"what everyone was asking for†. Historian Alexander Chubarov suggested 11that Nicholas II did not intentionally want to grant the people power of franchise, he did not intentionally want to establish the October Manifesto and he half-heartedly adopted those policies stated in the October Manifesto and thus ineffective. When drawing up the fundamental laws in early 190612, the Tsar did all he could to limit the powers of Duma. The law stated that â€Å"The Sovereign Emperor enjoys the legislative initiative in all legislative matter. † Showed that the continuation of the Tsar’s power in the legislature after the 1905 Revolution. In addition, the electoral system discriminated heavily on peasants; elections were indirect and were cast by curios which set up by separate constituencies. Thus the Tsar remained powerful and government workings largely remained the same after 1905 Revolution. 13Nicholas II’s wrote a diary entry on 3rd November, 1905, ‘I will never trust that man (Witte) again with the smallest thing’, it expose his private thoughts of distrust and hatred towards Witte. Nicholas II hatred towards Witte, the one who came up with the idea regarding the establishment of a Russian constitution, implied that the October Manifesto undermined his absolute power thus showed us his unwillingness to reform Russia. He failed to realize the importance of constitutional element toward the stability of Russia. This showed the 1905 Revolution could not even bring the intension to the Tsar to change the system of government. 14Another diary entry of Nicholas II written on 19thOctober, 1905, supported the above view, it also additionally highlighted that the Tsar ‘had no one to rely on except honest Trepov’. The diary entries written by Nicholas II was a reliable source showing his trust, loyalty and reliance on Trepov, who was a strongly conservative anti-reformist and showed Nicholas II strong believe in autocracy, because his diary entries were private documents which could demonstrate what he truly believed in. It was clear that the effects of 1905 Revolution to Russian government was insignificant; as the head of state, the Tsar, was still highly depend on the advice of a powerful anti-reformist, autocracy remained and there were distrust and hatred between major personnel who controlled the policy, Witte and Nicholas II. Admittedly, you may argue that Nicholas II’s trust and hatred to Trepov and Witte respectively may not affect the significance of the effects of the 1905 Revolution to Russia Government, as the successfulness of the October Manifesto was not solely depend on the Tsar. However, Alan Wood 15 suggested that Russia remained as an autocratic regime under which Nicholas II still had absolute autocracy, despite the establishment of the October Manifesto and Duma, and indeed, the decision of the Tsar determined the success or failure of the October Manifesto. In addition, 16Leon Trotsky wrote in the newspaper Izvestia comments about the political conditions in November 1905, mentioning there were ‘Cossack whip wrapped up the constitution’. This indicates that the 1905 Revolution didn’t grant people real power. ‘Police hooligan Trepov’ and ‘liberal mediator Witte’ were controlling the constitution. If Duma introduced legislation which contradicted the supreme power of the Tsar, the Tsar could simply resolve Duma. Thus illustrate there were still no scrutiny on the Tsar’s power. Thus the significance of the effects of the 1905 Revolution to Russian Government was limited; the establishment of the October Manifesto were simply a solution to stop disorder immediately. You may argue that Trotsky’s ideas were subjective and extreme; he only represented the ideas of the revolutionary minorities and Izvestia was a newspaper which only showed the Mensheviks and the Socialist-Revolutionary Party views. Thus the comments of Trotsky on Izvestia were very questionable. It was obvious that government had no intention to change the system of government and grant people political power in long run, thus reinforce my argument that the effect of 1905 Revolution was not significant on Russian government at that time. However, the anger of the people provoked by the 1905 Revolution could be considered as the catalyst of the 1917 Revolution which actually put an end to autocracy to Russia. An article17written by Lenin on Vperyod mentioned the slogan of â€Å"Death or freedom! is reverberating throughout Russia. Events are developing with astonishing rapidity. The general strike in St. Petersburg is spreading. All industrial, public and political activities are paralysed. † which showed that the 1905 Revolution was only the start of the Russian Revolution and they would not forget the lesson of Bloody Sunday and would continue to go against autocracy. So from this aspect , despite the fact that 1905 Revolution did not bring immediate change to the government of Russia, it actually indirectly brought about the greatest transfer of political power in the Russian history within 20 years time. However, the fact that Vperyod was an underground newspaper of the Bolsheviks, and we could believe that Lenin used Vperyod to raise the momentum of the Bolsheviks during the Revolution, thus this source only reflect minority views in Russian society. 18S. J. Lee suggest that, another significant effect of the 1905 Revolution on Russian government was that it led to the official establishment of political parties. Political parties were major sources of opposition against autocratic Tsarist regime. Lenin, Stalin who was the leaders of the 1917 Russian Revolution, start gaining public profiles and supports through the Bolshevik Party. Political parties, with good organizations and legitimate power in Duma, with great ambitions to seize power, were determined to overthrow Tsardom. Lenin clearly outlined in his book 19What is to be done, ‘we are prepared to render you every assistance to get there’ which showed his desire to call for insurrection and seizure of power. The creation of political parties was significant in paving a way for the collapse of the tsarist regime. However, in reality, the Tsarist regime kept control of the army and workers were repressed after 1905 Revolution. The government crushed the widespread of mass revolts. Even though, the political parties did arouse people anger, and cause instability in society after the Revolution, autocracy remained. Alan Wood also commented that â€Å"The form of government still remained as absolute autocracy† The Tsar had the power to dissolve Duma and abolish the constitution. 20S. J. Lee’s secondary work backed up Alan Wood’s idea; he commented Duma as â€Å"a parliament with party but with no scope for party politics† Thus illustrate that political parties and Duma did not had real power in hands, they could not scrutinized the government. You may argue that the significance of the effect of 1905 Revolution to Russian government was limited, but failure to overthrow the Tsarist government in 1905 inspired Lenin, that mass revolt without effective organizations would not have any effect to overthrow Tsardom, a successful revolution could only be achieved by small, disciplined and well-organized parties. Lenin was inspired to unite the proletariats and installed the Bolsheviks party with the above quality, and thus we can say that the 1905 Revolution significantly inspired Lenin and the Bolsheviks to overthrow Tsardom and indirectly lead Russia turned into a socialist state, thus in long run its significance to Russian government was remarkable. Socially, the 1905 Revolution brought a better balance of power between the people and the government. ‘Fundamental civil freedoms will be granted to the population’ and ‘the elections that have already been scheduled† were stated in the October Manifesto. The Revolution brought Russia the October Manifesto, enhanced the rights enjoyed by ordinary citizens. Furthermore, the 1905 Revolution brought constitutional change to Russia demonstrated that even ordinary citizen had a power to make a difference in society, through expression of opinions in the revolts. By using tactics to destabilize the society, such as strikes and petty stealing from land owners, the peasants expressed grievances regarding their hard life. Such actions from the society significantly brought about government response and led to the establishment of Witte remortgage payment. Thus the standards of living of the peasants were improved. So from this aspect, the 1905 Revolution was significant to Russian’s society as it granted the people freedom and it also improve the livelihood of the peasants through the response of the peasants’ petition in Russia at the time. However, Hans Roggers21 and S. J. Lee22 suggested that Nicholas broke his promise of introducing a Constitutional Monarchy, he published his own Fundamental Laws in 1906 which stated that the Tsar, â€Å"posses the supreme autocratic power† and the Tsar, not the Duma, appointed his ministers. The Tsar also retained the right to rule by decree, which means rule without Duma. The role of the people’s representative, Duma, was limited. People’s living was still under the control of the Tsar. And according to the Memoirs of Count Witte23, â€Å"The Manifesto was a bolt from the blue† as â€Å"most provincial authorities did not understand what was happening† and thus, â€Å"Violent outbreaks both revolutionary and counter-revolutionary took place all over the country†, it was clear that the 1905 revolution did not improve people’s living. However, the fact that Witte made such comments may because â€Å"the document was drafted against my will and behind my back†. But after the 1905 Revolution, revolts, strike still broke out everywhere, people still yield for improvement in their living. There were even attempts on the lives of the members of the Imperial family and even government officials according to 24Felix Yusupov, which proved that after 1905 Revolution, the livelihood of the Russian peasants were not improved. Thus the significance of the effect of 1905 Revolution on Russian society was limited. Overall, politically, its short term significance were very limited, it did brought Duma into the government structure but the role of Duma was override the autocratic Tsar. However, the long term significance was more remarkable as it was the â€Å"First Blood† in Russia and contributed to the development of the 1917 Revolution which overthrew Tsardom. As for Russian society, it did not change people’s way of living, hardships continued in Russians’ live, and thus the effect of 1905 Revolution was not significant to Russian society.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Causes Of Mental Retardation Essays - Rare Diseases,

Causes Of Mental Retardation Blake Zuckerman 3-25-00 Period 6 English Causes of Mental Retardation In order to be considered mentally retarded, you must have an IQ below 75, have significant limitations in two or more adaptive skill areas, and the condition is present from childhood (defined as age 18 or younger). People can be mentally retarded as all different levels. About 78% of mentally retarded people will only be a little slower than the average person, while in others it is very apparent (Arc of New Jersey). There are many causes of mental retardation. One cause of mental retardation is of genetic conditions. That includes; abnormal gene mixes from parents, errors when genes combine, overexposure to x-rays, and many more reasons. More than 500 genetic diseases are associated with mental retardation. Down Syndrome is an example of a chromosomal disorder (Mental Retardation Issues). Chromosomal disorders occur every once in a while, and are caused by too many or too few chromosomes in the restructure of the chromosomes (The Arc of New Jersey). Another cause is problems during pregnancy. It could happen if the mother drinks or does drugs while pregnant with the baby. Other risks include malnutrition, certain environmental contaminants, and the mother could get ill during the pregnancy. Pregnant women who are infected with HIV may pass it on to their child. Also very stressful and physical pregnancies and births can cause damage to a childs brain (Introduction to Mental Retardation). Mental Retardation also occurs frequently after birth. Childhood diseases such as big coughs, chicken pox, measles, and hip disease, which may lead to meningitis and encephalitis, can damage the brain, as can accidents such as being hit in the head, near drowning situations, and most other accidents involving the head. Another that can be harmful to a child mentally is environmental fumes, lead, mercury, and other dangerous toxins (Introduction to An American History of Mental Retardation). Bibliography Bibliography Introduction to An American History of Mental Retardation. 3-28-00. Introduction to Mental Retardation. 2-25-00. Mental Retardation Issues. 2-27-00. The Arc of New Jersey. What is MR. 2-27-00. Psychology Essays

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Pacific Healthcare Organization Essays

Pacific Healthcare Organization Essays Pacific Healthcare Organization Paper Pacific Healthcare Organization Paper Bio-ethics can be described as a biological science that studies the degree of judgment concerning human actions and those other actions related to medicine. In the context of managed care, ethics is the examination of conflicts of values and rules representing conflicting interest each presenting their reasonable position (Edwards Graber 1988). The health care industry consists of a variety of organizations providing healthcare to a vast majority of people. It is among the largest industries in the United States of America. Healthcare providers on the other hand consist of clinicians and non-clinician personnel providing the medical services and are identified to be the main figures in the healthcare industry. Bioethical issues in the Healthcare Industry Just like many other countries of the world, the American citizens face a number of bio-ethical issues namely: physician assisted suicide, abortion, cloning, racial barriers to access health, and disparities in medical treatment as a result of racial discrimination just to mention. This has resulted into distrust and fear of abuse and mistreatment amongst the citizens especially patients. In my discussion, I have selected the pacific healthcare organization, Inc, (PHCO) of the United States of America. This organization consists of networks of medical providers throughout the USA, and it consists thousands of healthcare providers. The bio-ethical issues of concern to the healthcare providers of the above organization that I am going to discuss include: the issue of physician addicted suicide, abortion, cloning, inaccessibility to healthcare facilities and disparities in medical treatment as a result of racial discrimination. It is of great concern that the above organization looks into these bio-ethical issues with urgency. Cloning is a bio-ethical issue that has sparked a lot of controversies around the world resulting into mass demonstrations as there are mixed reactions, some supporting it while others opposing. It can be well remembered that on February 23, 1997, a Scottish scientist Ian Wilmut from Raslin Institute and PPL therapeutics declared that they had cloned a lamb from an adult sheep and named it Dolly. This created an outcry around the world some supporting while others questioning the degree of moral ethics involved (Tong, 2006). Physician assisted suicide (PAS) is another bio-ethical issue that continues to generate fury worldwide. Is it ethical to perform suicide? This is a debate issue that we normally experience today on the streets as well as watch in televisions. Physician assisted suicide as referred to those who support it is the right to die. In this case, patients who are terminally ill and other serious complications are administered drugs to end their own lives with their consent. A physician supplies the means of committing suicide either through prescription of a lethal dose of sleeping pills or supplies carbon-monoxide gas so that the persons can end their own lives. However, the media has reported several cases concerning patients who have been killed against their will. The more recent case occurred in a German count on June 30, 2007 where a nurse was jailed for life over five murders at a major Berlin hospital where she worked. Whether assisted suicide is ethical or immoral is still an issue of argument and both sides have been able to give their justified reasons. Abortion on the other hand is also an issue of concern. Abortion involves the removal of a fetus from the womb of its mother before maturity hence killing the fetus. Initially abortion was prescribed for only those patients with major complications, for instance when a mother’s health is at risk such that only one life can be saved, either that of the mother or the baby. Abortion is illegal if at all a person undertakes it with no justifiable reasons. It is therefore important that physicians of this organization do not break their code of ethics by performing abortion illegally. Pacific Healthcare Organization, Inc. (PHCO) should also look into the bio-ethical issue of racial barriers in accessing health facilities and services that are experienced by a number of patients in America. Everybody has their right to access medical health and hence it is against morality to prejudice people according to the colour of their skin. This also applies to disparities in medical treatment as a result of racial discrimination that is often experienced in some healthcare facilities. To resolve bio-ethical issues discussed above, the persons concerned in the healthcare professions should take time and looked deeply into the matter and find out ways that could improve its services and delivery to the community. A code of ethics needs to be set up and the healthcare providers need to strictly adhere to the rules and obligations required. It is also vital that a health plan is drafted in order to lessen competing corporate and other medical obligation by establishing ethical rules and guidelines. These guidelines should be able to intervene these conflicting interests. By setting up a code of ethics in the organization, medical practitioners will be accountable and service delivery will be improved. They will also be able to carry out their duties as professionals. References Edwards, B. Graber, C. (1988). Bio-ethics. Wadsworth Publishing, ISBN 978-0155054202. Tong, R. , (2006). New Perspectives in Healthcare Ethics: An Interdisciplinary and Cross Cultural Approach. Prentice Hall. ISBN 978-030613479.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Consumer website Analysis and Evaluation Project Essay

Consumer website Analysis and Evaluation Project - Essay Example The distinctive position created by the website is that of belonging. The website is an Inferno fans page. It is meant to provide Little Inferno Entertainment Fireplace fans with a place to share their experiences and develop more fun. It gives an image of trust, fun, belongingness, identity, and unique community. The name of the website suggests its relationship to the product, but does not sell the idea to those consumers who know nothing about the product. The website is an appreciation society which shows the level of trust the company assumes to have with its consumers, and belongingness it gives its consumers in relation to the product. There is also the link of Little Inferno Entertainment Fireplace fans page to Goofans page indicating some identity, and uniqueness, that is, in ‘Tomorrow Corporation’, there is a corporate portfolio; a common practice of developing an appreciation society for their consumers (Inferno Fans Page). The brand image has also been establ ished using the name of the product, the use of a celebrity’s name, and its target market. The name of the product, ‘Little Inferno Entertainment Fireplace’, has been used to create the fan page, that is, ‘Inferno fans’. ... Little inferno is an indie game and has several competitors including other forms of video games. Examples include; auditorium duet, journey, Alpha trailer, Kentucky Route Zero, Cart Life, Faster Than Light, Zineth, and Hotline Miami (UBM Tech). Little inferno is however, different from other video games based on its principle, and what it is meant to achieve. The developers thought that the pattern of recognition found in most indie games was terrible, and thought of a different idea, where a genuinely great game and a terrifying plot would be underneath the interactive screensavers. It is from this that the virtual fire place was developed. The game was intended to give consumers some heart-warming experience. It is also different because of its simplicity. Other game mechanics are complex and considered terrible (Tach). Leake, Vaccarello and Ginty, note that the most important functions of a brand are to increase information efficiency, create value added benefits, and reduce risk s (18). The brand image created by the website communicates only to the fans of the product, but not to any new consumer who may be interested. There are symbols of fun showing its intent, but there are no welcome images communicated to other people who may wish to join the community or experience what the game offers. Content How the company updates its marketing mix: There is no evidence of any updates on marketing mix, but features show a customizable update system. The website is designed with a ‘News’ section which is used to inform the products consumers of new programs, new applications, new developments, and any changes related to the product. The forum